Hello everyone! It's major announcement time, so I'm just going to dive right in! You can PRE-ORDER now! The entire series, including the long-anticipated Book 4 will be released January 5th, 2016! The first three books have been re-visited and revised, and even have a few all new scenes! Perfect for the avid re-readers, continuing readers and newcomers alike! Many of you will notice that Book Two, formerly DRAGOON, has been renamed PAPERGLASS. Also, the series name has been rephrased as THE WAR OF PRINCES. Same books, new names. New Covers Ooh...shiny! "Why change the cover art?" you ask. Well, I'm an art-lover and was excited to see what our designers would come up with. Also, I wanted all of you original readers to easily be able to show that you were there from the beginning--the original books are like rare special-editions now. Paperback copies have been pulled, so for the time being, we're digital-only. Introducing Book Four: LASTLAND
Updates Keep an eye on this blog, Facebook and Twitter for new updates, as I'm going to have a new year's giveaway, as well as some new content here on the website. Thank you guys for your patience and your unending support. And now, let the adventure continue!
All yours, ~A.R. Ivanovich
AuthorA. R. Ivanovich is likely typing away at her desk, with a cup of heavily caffeinated tea and a cat on her lap. Archives
October 2020